フルーツバスケット/ Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket is a shojo manga series made by Natsuki Takaya. It consists of 26 episodes in the anime directed by Akitaro Daichi. Tohru Honda is an orphan girl, who, after meeting Kyo, Shigure, and Yuki Sohma , learns that 13 members of the Sohma family are possessed by the animals of the Chinese Zodiac and are cursed to turn into animal forms when they are weak or embraced by anyone of the opposite sex that is not possessed by the zodiacal spirit.
Main Characters:
Tohru Honda; 本田 透
A kind hearted orphaned high school student who, at the start of the story, begins living in a tent. She is then found by Shigure and Yuki, who offer to take her in for exchange in housekeeping. She loves to cook and has an after school job as a janitor to pay her tuition fees.
Kyo Sohma; 草摩 夾
Kyo is cursed by the cat an animal not in the Chinese zodiac but which legend says would have been if it had not been tricked by the rat into missing the induction feast. He is depicted as an orange-haired young man who is short-tempered and charismatic, if initially awkward around people; Arisa Uotani calls him "anger-management-boy".
Yuki Sohma;草摩 由希
Yuki is the rat of the Chinese zodiac. Yuki is depicted as an attractive, reserved, and accomplished young man with many admirers, but who finds being friendly difficult. When Yuki was young, he was kept isolated and was convinced that no one likes him, that is what Akito Sohma said and that's the reason why he has low self-esteem.
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